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Company to buy

  • Size: small business
  • Revenue target: 1-10M EUR
  • EBITDA target: not decisive
  • Preferred location: any country in Europe, preferably Southern Europe
  • Reason for acquisition: The buyer company wants to extend its reach in the plastics bags manufacturing market
  • #CFIE PLB059

Overview of this buyer for plastic bag manufacturer in Europe

CFIE was approached by a buyer, seeking to expand the business in consumer bags by opening a new factory in the EU countries. The buyer is already active in this industry but plans to open up a subsidiary in Europe, either by setting up a new unit, or acquisition of an existing company with established processes.

Profile (strategy) of this buyer for consumer plastic bag manufacturer 

The buyer is a plastic manufacturing company from the Middle East, which has started approximately 25 years ago. The turnover of the buyer exceeds 20M EUR with a margin of around 10%. Currently, the buyer wants to expand the business by opening a new factory in one of the EC countries.

The buyer is an expert in manufacturing products from polyethylene materials. The company manufactures and delivers a wide range of films, custom blends and additives for extra functionality for many needs or purposes. The buyer also offers plastic bags and plastic sheets in a wide range of colors, sizes, and gauges. The company serves both domestic market and foreign, to which it exports a significant portion of its production.

The plastic bag, plastic sheet and plastic liners manufactured by the buyer meets highest possible quality standards. These standards would be implemented also in the target companies.

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Activities and products of an ideal plastic bags-oriented target

The buyer company is looking for an opportunity to acquire a successful company, specialized in manufacturing of consumer plastic packaging – plastic bags. The valuation of an ideal target should be in the range between 1 and 2 million Euros. Geographically, preferred countries are the following (although targets from other countries will also be considered): 

  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Greece
  • Croatia
  • Bulgaria

For projects up to 2M valuation, the buyer will not need bank financing. The buyer is even open to a possibility to acquire a bankrupt factory, then its renovation and putting own machinery in.

The preferred production level and employment of the target depends on the market. In case the buyer will acquire an established business, the buyer will keep the level of production or expand it. The buyer is ready to bring many synergies to the potential target, mainly benefits stemming from the scale of the buyer and commercial reach across the globe.

Highlights of this buyer for plastic bag manufacturer 

  • A buyer is a large group of multiple successful companies
  • The buyer is ready to fund the acquisition from cash on hand
  • The buyer is looking for plastics manufacturer, distributors are not in scope 
  • The buyer is willing to start the acquisition process right after finding the suited target, as they have the funds ready

Information on this buyer for plastic bag manufacturer in Europe

Feel free to contact us for more information regarding this plastic manufacturing plant buyer. We have experts in the plastic industry and we can help you find buyers or sellers. If you are interested specifically in the plastics sector, visit our section plastics companies for sale or plastics companies’ buyers. For other companies for sale in all of Europe visit the section companies for sale

More information on this buyer for a consumer plastic bag manufacturer in Europe

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this buyer for a consumer plastic bag manufacturer in Europe. For more plastics companies for sale please visit the section plastics companies for sale. For other plastics buyers, please visit the section plastics companies wanted. If you are instead interested in plastics companies for sale, please visit the plastics companies for sale section. For plastics buyers, please visit the section plastics companies wanted.

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