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Company to buy

  • Size: Medium
  • Sales revenue: 5 – 50 million EUR
  • Location: Europe
  • Reason for acquisition: The owners are looking to buy a plastic manufacturer to expand their business
  • #CFIE PLB278


Overview of buyer for engineering plastic manufacturers in Europe

In line with its core values of fairness, innovation, and harmony, the company is dedicated to promoting social and economic development while protecting the global environment through ethical corporate practices.

As part of its mid-term management strategy, the company aims to develop a stable earnings base by strengthening existing business areas and exploring new business models. It also aspires to be a leader in green business by addressing sustainability issues across various industries. Key initiatives include decarbonization, a circular economy, water resource management, biodiversity, human rights, and sustainable supply chains, which are essential to the company’s operations.

With society’s status quo and values constantly evolving, predicting the future has become increasingly challenging. These changes have led to significant gaps and serious challenges for society and customers. The company is committed to addressing these issues, partnering with stakeholders to close gaps and create new value.


Profile of buyer for engineering plastic manufacturers in Europe

The company has a long tradition. In the mid-19th century, the company was founded by an entrepreneur dealing in linen cloth as a teenager. The business venture expanded and by the late 19th century, had already established a store in a major city. This laid the groundwork for future growth and expansion into U.S. exports. Over time, he implemented a profit-sharing system, store regulations, and prioritized talent training and recruitment. Moreover, he served as a local mayor and made significant contributions to education.

During the mid-20th century, the first president of the company navigated through challenging times while expanding its global network. This led to diversification and a key merger, setting the stage for today’s operations. At this time, guiding principles of fairness, innovation, and harmony were established, which continue to drive the company’s sustainable progress.

Today, the company and its subsidiaries utilize extensive domestic and international business networks to engage in various activities. Altogether, these include importing, exporting, and domestic trading. Their diverse operations span multiple fields such as lifestyle, IT solutions, food, agriculture, forest products, chemicals, metals, and mineral resources. Equally important are, energy, power, infrastructure projects, aerospace, shipbuilding, finance, leasing, real estate, construction, and industrial machinery.  Furthermore,  there is mobility, next-generation business development, and corporate development.

Overall, the company provides a range of services, makes internal and external investments, and is involved in resource development across these industries.


Activities and products of ideal targets 

The ideal acquisition target is a medium-sized plastic manufacturing company located in Europe, with annual revenue between 5 to 50 million euros. The buyer company, known for its robust operations and loyal customer base, presents a prime opportunity for strategic expansion. The prospective buyers aim to enhance their business operations by acquiring a manufacturer, capitalizing on synergies, and achieving scale advantages. Essential criteria include a proven track record of innovation, rigorous quality control, and a strong commitment to sustainability in the engineering plastic industry. Additionally, a strategic European location is crucial for seamless integration into the acquiring company’s operations and distribution network.

Highlights of buyer for engineering plastic manufacturers in Europe

Key features include:

  • Commitment to social and economic development and environmental protection
  • Mid-term strategy to strengthen existing business and explore new models
  • Leadership in green business with a focus on sustainability (decarbonization, circular economy, etc.)
  • Extensive domestic and international business networks
  • Diverse operations across various industries including IT, agriculture, chemicals, energy, and more
  • Provides a wide range of services, investments, and resource development
  • Ideal targets are medium-sized European plastic manufacturers with 5 to 50 million euros in revenue
  • Innovation, quality control, sustainability, and strategic location for integration are highly desirable

More information on this buyer for engineering plastic manufacturer in Europe

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