Healthcare information portal in Europe to buy
- Revenue: 5-50M EUR
- Employees: not decisive
- Location of the target: Europe
- Reason for acquisition: The company is a very large organization activating in providing information and other specific services for healthcare specialists. It has a strategy for growing its operations in Europe via acquisitions, therefore the management is open to speaking to interested sellers
- #CFIE ITB107
Overview of the Buyer for healthcare information portal in Europe
The buyer company it belongs to a very large group of companies activating in businesses related to healthcare, businesses such as development of software solutions that improve medical centers workflow, marketing support for healthcare units, recruitment support, clinical trial support, online portals for professionals as well as for general public, etc. The company owns one of the largest portals dedicated to healthcare professionals. The company’s web-site has membership conditions and it delivers tailored information to meet the information needs for people working in the healthcare sector. It includes the latest medical news, summaries, articles, reports, scientific researches and other online medical resources. The group has international operations being present in Europe, US and Asia. The management is actively investing in healthcare focused businesses leveraging the power of the internet and digital solutions. In present, is looking to acquire a company that operates a healthcare information portal, this is part of the group’s strategy to expand in Europe. The target company should have a stable business, with revenues ranging from 5-50M EURO. The goal is to integrate the target’s operations intro the buyer’s activity so that the business can reach more clients from various countries.
Profile (strategy) of the Buyer for healthcare information portal in Europe
The buyer is an international healthcare informatics and information systems group of companies that is focused on delivering special services to medical sector representatives. In its team of specialists can be found physicians, health informatics engineers, pharmacists, pharmacologists, researchers, database architects as well as application developers and journalists. The group provides medical centers, hospitals, primary care physicians, pharmacists and various patients with on-line access to diverse databases of up-dated drugs and to treatment discoveries and info. The team has strong connections with regulatory agencies, drug development organisations, research centers, academic authorities and other healthcare specialized journals and uses its expertise to deliver through its channels relevant content to the target group. In its mission of providing high-quality data, the company combines its information with key industrial institutions and crucial sectorial reports and classifications.
The company combines its information with crucial reports and classifications produced by key industrial healthcare authorities and academic institutions. The goal is to provide the most relevant content for the consumers. The information and data provided enable decision persons to be informed, efficient and able to take the best decisions in the matter of therapies, diagnosis and best practices. The group’s products and services are designed for individuals, professionals and companies, the solutions being able to be integrated in existing healthcare information-processing systems. The software packages can be embedded in most medical software applications used in the industry. Some of the group’s products are medical up-dated dictionaries, healthcare applications, hospital information systems, electronic information base, reports related to legislation and the latest nomenclature, mobile solutions, etc.
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Activities and products of the Healthcare information portal target company
The buyer is looking to acquire a company that operates in the same activity and has similar services and products. The target company should own portals that enable users to get information regarding pharmaceuticals, medical devices, therapeutic management, regulatory aspects and should allow the member to stay connected and to share experiences.
Highlights of the Buyer for healthcare information portal in Europe
- The buyer is a large player in healthcare information sector
- The buyer represents a group of companies that operate globally
- The buyer is actively investing in healthcare businesses leveraging the power of the internet and digital solutions
- The company has decided to enlarge its activities in Europe and is looking to buy another company with similar activities and products
- Target companies should own businesses related with portals that enable users to get informed and interact with each other.
More information on this buyer for healthcare information portal in Europe
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