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Company to buy

  • Size: small/medium business
  • Revenue: 2-20m EUR
  • Location: Europe
  • #CFIE MAB317

Overview of buyer for metal stamping company in Europe

A leading American manufacturer specializing in precision metal stamping. The company’s core competencies lie in metal stamping, assembly, and wire forming. The company has a long history of almost six decades in the industry. Since then, the company has constructed several facilities in various locations, with over 150 cutting-edge metal stamping and wire-forming machines. Moreover, the company possesses several specialized technologies within the sector. Furthermore, the company is ISO and IATF quality standard-certified.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for a metal stamping company in Europe

This buyer’s products are suited to several different industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, defense, medical, communications, electronics, and others. The company’s product range includes small-sized stamped metal parts, wire structures, and assemblies. Conversely, the company manufactures its tools, which enables it to achieve superior results in its final product. Furthermore, the company operates continuously, enabling it to deliver orders on time. Its access to diverse technologies allows it to accommodate a wide range of sizes in its orders. In short, it is a highly capable buyer, able to handle a diverse range of custom, unique, and complex orders. The company’s management is currently exploring mergers and acquisitions in Europe to expand its global presence.

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Activities and products of suitable target companies

The target company is a metal stamping company in Europe that meets the following requirements:

  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Sub-industry: Components
  • Location: Europe
  • Revenue: 2-20 million EUR
  • Specific Activities: Mainly but not exclusively, metal stamping, terminals, brackets, wire forming, bus bars, and assembly.
  • Required or preferred knowledge/experience: A background in automotive metal stamping would be highly advantageous.

Highlights of buyer for metal stamping company in Europe

  • A leading American manufacturer specializing in precision metal stamping
  • Has several facilities in various locations
  • Uses specialized technologies
  • Serves several different industries
  • Able to handle a diverse range of custom, unique, and complex orders
  • It is currently exploring mergers and acquisitions in Europe to expand its global presence
  • Target is expected to have a turnover ranging from €2 million to €20 million.

    More information on this buyer for metal stamping company in Europe

    Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this buyer for metal stamping company in Europe. For more metal companies for sale please visit the section metal companies for sale. For other metal buyers, please visit the section metal companies wanted. If you are instead interested in manufacturing companies for sale, please visit the manufacturing companies for sale section. For manufacturing buyers, please visit the section manufacturing companies wanted.

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