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Company Wanted

  • Industry: Pharmaceutical
  • Subindustry: Wholesale
  • Revenue: >25 million EUR
  • Location: Europe
  • #CFIE PHB323

Overview of buyer for pharmaceutical wholesalers in Europe

The company represents a privately owned group of pharmaceutical companies from Northern Europe that is interested in acquiring a pharmaceutical wholesale business within the EU. This group has extensive expertise in clinical trials, shortage management, and parallel export, and aims to leverage this knowledge to ensure a successful acquisition.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for pharmaceutical wholesalers in Europe

The buyer is a medium-sized pharmaceutical company seeking to expand its operations through the acquisition of a well-established pharmaceutical wholesale company. The target company should have a robust distribution network within the EU and align with the buyer’s strategic goals of enhancing supply chain efficiencies and expanding market reach. The buyer is particularly interested in companies with strong regulatory compliance and established customer relationships.

Contact as an interested seller
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Activities and products of suitable targets

The ideal target should be engaged in the distribution and wholesale of pharmaceutical products, with the ability to manage a wide range of medicines and health-related items. The key attributes of interest include:

  • Strong supply chain capabilities
  • Established relationships with pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • The capacity to handle logistics and distribution across multiple countries within the EU

Highlights of buyer for pharmaceutical wholesalers in Europe

  • Privately owned group with a solid foundation in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Expertise in managing clinical trials, addressing shortages, and conducting parallel exports.
  • Aiming to expand operations through strategic acquisitions.
  • Committed to enhancing market reach and improving efficiency.

More information on this buyer for pharmaceutical wholesalers in Europe

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this buyer for pharmaceutical wholesalers in Europe. For more pharma distributors companies for sale please visit the section pharma distributors companies for sale. For other pharma distributors buyers, please visit the section pharma distributors companies wanted. If you are instead interested in pharma companies for sale, please visit the pharma companies for sale section. For pharma buyers, please visit the section pharma companies wanted.

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