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Sale chemical distribution business

Sale of a chemical distribution business The company for sale is a  small chemical distribution business located in the Netherlands The company sold has revenues of less than 2 million EUR The buyer is a large chemical distribution group that acquires chemical...

Acquisition Internet affiliate marketing company

Acquisition of an Internet affiliate marketing company Revenue (’10): 12M € Reason for Sale: Change of strategic shareholder of an Internet marketing company Location target: United Kingdom Location acquirer: Netherlands Overview M&A deal The company is a...

Sale German injection molding company

Sale of a injection moulding business in Germany The company sold is an injection moulding company located in Germany The acquired company has revenues of approx. 2 mio € The buyer is a tool making company from Germany CFIE business sale input: The CFIE M&A team...

Acquisition IT consultancy company in Germany

Acquisition of an IT consultancy company in Germany The acquired company is an IT consultancy located in Germany The acquired company has revenues of approx. 5 million euros The buyer is a German IT consultancy and solutions group CFIE business acquisition input: The...
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