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Company for sale

  • Industry: Chemical
  • Subindustry: Pharmaceutical products, drugs
  • Revenue: < 3 million EUR
  • Location: Western Europe
  • Established: > 20 years
  • #CFIE CHS074

Overview of chemical research company in Western Europe for sale

This is an international chemical company with over two decades of experience in contract research for various chemical industries. Predominately, the pharmaceutical industry, the biotech sector, and academic organizations. Altogether, the company’s facilities feature modern laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment for project characterization. Specifically, it collaborates with multiple companies and sectors to support the discovery of new drugs.

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Profile (strategy) of chemical research company in Western Europe for sale

Primarily, the company specializes in molecules that propel global drug discovery. In particular, it excels in designing, integrating, and enhancing small molecules for this purpose. Chiefly, it serves as a strategic partner to a robust client base, offering solutions that expedite research and streamline project workflows. Essentially, the company focuses on the early stages of drug discovery.

Products of chemical research company in Western Europe for sale

The company collaborates with its clients on various project modalities:

  • Service charge
  • Full time
  • Partnership/joint venture

Overall, the company possesses the expertise, knowledge, and technology to provide fully guaranteed chemical products and services. This involves custom synthesis, contract research, consulting, and chemical compounds.

Highlights of chemical research company in Western Europe for sale

  • International chemical company specializing in contract research
  • Two decades of experience working for other chemical industries and other sectors
  • Supports the discovery of new drugs through collaborations with multiple companies
  • Small business with ample growth potential

More information on this chemical research company in Western Europe for sale

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