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Software Solution Company for sale

  • Revenue: < 5m Euro
  • Location: Europe
  • Asking price: TBN
  • Employees: < 10
  • Reason for sale: Shareholders are looking to grow the business further with a strong strategic software partner. This partner should be able to scale the company further
  • #CFIE ITS359

Overview: Software Solution Company for sale

An Customer Communication Management (CCM) solution software company is open in growing it’s business further worldwide and via a sale to a larger strategic buyer or taking on additional investors. The company is focusing on document creation and distribution processes for middle sized companies and larger enterprises. It increases the revenue, saves money and increases productivity for its clients. The company has a good software product that is very profitable once it can be sold to a larger customer base. The company has difficulty in reaching more clients via it’s own sales network and hence wants to cooperate with a large software house that can sell it’s products more easily.  Get more information about this software company that is growing rapidly and is open to internationalization together with a strategic buyer or investor.

Profile (strategy): Software Solution Company for sale

The company solution manages and delivers high-volume, interactive, on demand and structured multi-language business materials.  The clients are well-known energy and infrastructure companies, healthcare, education, manufacturing/retail, government, insurance and financial companies etc.

They possess an unique ICT software platform, which transforms their customers’ data assets to meaningful business information with marketing and personalized messages – and delivered to end-users through multiple printed and electronic distribution channels. There is no need for clients to have programming or layout expertise due to the innovative business driven workflow architecture.

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Activities software solution company for sale

The company for sale is a software company delivering the state of the art Customer Communication Management solution platform. The software can be used for various objectives:

  • Tax / Pension / Benefit Booklets
  • Insurance Policies / Annuity Statements
  • Personal Financial Portfolio Reports
  • Sales & Marketing Materials
  • Invoices / Credit Memos / Packaging
  • Regulatory and Compliance Reports
  • Service Change Updates / Delivery Notes
  • Business Quotations / Segmented Ad Campaigns

Highlights: Software Solution Company for sale

The company is growing quickly and has a lot of potential to be an international Customer Communication Management leader. The company has developed a unique software platform that is simple, easy and has a high recommendation among clients. The vertical solution software market is expected to grow significantly over the next decade.

More information on this software customer communication management company in Europe for sale

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this software customer communication management company in Europe for sale. For more software companies for sale please visit the section software companies for sale. For other software buyers, please visit the section software companies wanted. If you are instead interested in ict companies for sale, please visit the ict companies for sale section. For ict buyers, please visit the section ict companies wanted.

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