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Company for sale

  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Subindustry: Education
  • Revenue: < 3 million EUR
  • EBITDA: Around 20%
  • Location: Europe
  • #CFIE MAS368

Overview of English language school in natural area in southern Europe for sale

This company has been in the education sector for over 20 years. Primarily, it provides outdoor activities while teaching the English language. Altogether, its facilities include land and properties in an attractive natural environment in southern Europe. Ideally, it is just a few hours from the capital city. Above all, it has spaces specially designed for children, as it receives groups of up to 100 children a year. In addition, it employs a team committed to customer satisfaction. Further, it also receives children from different countries in Europe. Currently, the owners wish to sell the company, including the properties.

Profile (strategy) of English language school in natural area in southern Europe for sale

Strategically, the complex is on the edge of a national park. In this case, the property boasts several hectares of land and comfortable, mountain-style facilities where students can participate in immersive educational programs against stunning natural landscapes.

Above all, the company’s primary objective is to provide an alternative learning environment outside the traditional classroom. For example, they offer a unique and immersive experience. Essentially, they provide personalized attention in their educational and recreational programs.

Among the company’s clientele are individuals from different national and international backgrounds. Predominately, they are international educational institutions based in Europe. Notably, the company’s flexibility allows it to adapt to evolving trends to meet client needs. It offers high-quality services at competitive prices, resulting in a significant customer retention rate of over 80%. Now, the demand for language programs is rising, presenting an opportunity for the company to expand its revenue streams. Currently, the company operates at 35% of its maximum capacity, indicating potential for further growth.

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Activities and services of English language school in natural area in southern Europe for sale

Overall, the company is an independent center that serves school-age children. It offers a range of programs and activities, including language immersion, field studies, outdoor activities, vacation plans, excursions, community work, and more.

Highlights of English language school in natural area in southern Europe for sale

  • The company offers a range of language programs
  • Over 20 years of experience
  • Strong niche market position among international schools in Europe
  • Rural location results in low costs and good value for money
  • Potential to increase revenue further, as the business currently uses only 35% of its maximum capacity

More information on this english language school in natural area in southern Europe for sale

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