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Producer of the frozen fruits and vegetables producer in Eastern Europe for sale

  • Revenue: above 1 million EUR
  • Industry: food production
  • Location of the company for sale: Eastern Europe
  • CFIE FOS073
  • Reason for sale: The owner is looking for a strategic buyer who wants to acquire this producer of frozen fruits and vegetables based in Eastern Europe, which has worldwide certificates for providing products directly to consumers.

Overview of the frozen fruits and vegetables producer in Eastern Europe for sale

The company for sale is a producer of frozen fruits and vegetables.  The company was established more than 10 years ago as a distribution Company for the production and packaging of frozen fruits and vegetables. The company is working with private farmers and agricultural cooperatives who are providing the raw materials for production. The company brand is well established and known on the European market for over 8 years as about 95% of the production is targeted for the European Union countries- France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece and only 5% for the domestic market. The company has been certified by IFS (a system for managing food safety) in order to achieve high-quality standards and the ability to offer the produced products directly to the consumers. The premises of the company are built on more than 4 000 square meters as it owns production and refrigerating section, administrative (residential and equipment premises), boiler and compressor, drilling, low-temperature cameras, and chambers for storing raw materials.

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Profile (strategy) of the frozen fruits and vegetables producer for sale

The producer of frozen fruits and vegetables wants to sell the business to a larger buyer from a similar industry and grow it further as well as to expand its positions on the European market.  The Company is well situated on the European market and has developed relations with both international and domestic industry companies during its history. Further, the Company has built a large network of domestic suppliers that supports the production of frozen fruits and vegetables on the EU markets. All of the Company’s production is sold under its own brand as the production line is able to produce frozen fruits and vegetables up to 4 tons an hour.

Activities and services of the frozen fruits and vegetables producer for sale

  • Freezing fruits and vegetables
  • Frozen fruits: strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, wild raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, peaches, melons.
  • Frozen vegetables: pepper- diced and strip, zucchini- plates and circles, eggplant- diced, plates and circles, peeled roasted peppers, grilled zucchini- plates and circles, roasted eggplants- plates and circle, onions- diced and strip, tomatoes- diced.
  • CMT production
  • Storage of fruits and vegetables
  • Logistics

Highlights of the frozen fruits and vegetables producer for sale

  • The business is fully focused on providing high quality frozen fruits and vegetables for the food industry
  • The company for sale owns all necessary standards to produce frozen fruits and vegetables and distribute them to the final consumer
  • The company has a great market penetration and well-established contacts with both international and domestic industries.
  • The company has its own brand and state-of-the-art facility.
  • Activities and products of the frozen fruits and vegetable producer for sale

More information on this frozen fruits producer in Eastern Europe sale

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this frozen fruits producer in Eastern Europe sale. For more food production companies for sale please visit the section food production companies for sale. For other food production buyers, please visit the section food production companies wanted. If you are instead interested in food companies for sale, please visit the food companies for sale section. For food buyers, please visit the section food companies wanted.

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