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Company for sale

  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Subindustry: Footwear
  • Revenue: < 12 million EUR
  • Location: Portugal
  • #CFIE MAS376

Overview of international footwear manufacturer in Portugal for sale

The company produces a wide variety of footwear with cutting-edge design and top-notch quality, leveraging its extensive industry expertise. Notably, the company has earned a global reputation and runs manufacturing facilities equipped with advanced machinery, transportation, and solar panels. Further, it boasts a highly skilled technical workforce and offers unparalleled after-sales service, further enhancing client satisfaction.

Profile (strategy) of international footwear manufacturer in Portugal for sale

Overall, this company exhibits strong internal capabilities, particularly in its advanced production processes and diverse, modern designs. In addition, it has established efficient delivery logistics. Furthermore, it maintains a robust portfolio of clients and suppliers, with a high level of diversification within its client base. Strategically, the company also enjoys significant financial independence and benefits from its accessible location. Moreover, it holds a dominant position in the international market, with a nearly 100% market share. Now, with a keen interest and potential for expansion, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on the growth opportunities in the global footwear market.

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Products and services of international footwear manufacturer in Portugal for sale

Essentially, the company provides contemporary footwear solutions across different categories including women’s, casual, and trendy footwear. Primarily, its products are distributed through overseas retail outlets, with a strong presence in European markets.

Highlights of international footwear manufacturer in Portugal for sale

  • Manufactures a diverse range of footwear featuring advanced design and high-quality materials
  • Optimized delivery logistics
  • Maintains a strong network of clients and suppliers
  • Strong international participation
  • Well-equipped to leverage the growth potential in the global footwear market

More information on this international footwear manufacturer in Portugal for sale

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