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Company for sale

  • Revenue: 4 million EUR
  • Location of the company for sale: Croatia
  • Industry: food production, food processing
  • Employees of the company for sale: < 20
  • #CFIE FOS071
  • Reason for sale: the owner is looking for a capital increase for further stocking of raw materials; there is the possibility of a partial or complete buy-out

Overview of the meat processing company in Croatia for sale

The company was founded in 1997 with the goal of commercializing genuine Dalmatian delicacies. Even though for many years the company was focused on final maturing of partially dried Italian prosciutto it was able to, over the years, build a strong brand name in the Croatian prosciutto market. The rising demand for genuine Dalmatian prosciutto was a motivation for significant investments in production capacities. As a result of this effort, the company is now recognized as the leading Dalmatian prosciutto brand.

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Activities and services of the meat processing company in Croatia for sale

The company is a meat processing company focused on processing of fresh pork meat into Dalmatian prosciutto, pancetta, smoked pork loin and smoked pork neck. Annual production of prosciutto in 2014, as most important product in the portfolio was 36,300 pieces, working at 36% capacity.
Prosciutto is processed from fresh pork legs for at least 12 months with only sea salt as an additive (the longer the processing time the higher the quality).

Highlights of the meat processing company in Croatia for sale

The Company is present on the shelves of the most important retail chains in Croatia. Konzum is the main client, which together with Plodine, Metro, Pik Vrbovec, Spar, Mercator, and Studenac account for 85% of total sales. Given the long-term relationship with the aforementioned clients, there is a realistic potential for further export growth through foreign retail chains. Considering Slovenia, the company sells its products in the largest retail chains Spar, Mercator, and Tuš. However, prosciutto sales potential is worldwide. The company has already received letters of intent from Hungary, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand but was not able to commit due to the lack of inventory funding.

The gross profit margin on Dalmatian prosciutto is 45%, while 10 months of dried prosciutto produces a 41% gross profit margin. With these two products anticipated to make more than 2/3 of total production, annual gross profit will increase by 52% (gross profit margin up from 23.6% to 39.2%). Forecasted sales of the Croatian meat processing company for sale are based on prices for the Croatian market, averaging 15.60 EUR/kg for Dalmatian prosciutto. There is real potential for a price increase due to the expected growth in exports.
Rather than sales, the most important issue, the company is facing, is the financing of the production process.

More information on this meat processing company in Croatia for sale

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