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Smart automation touchscreen software company for sale

  • Revenue: < 5M EUR
  • Employees: > 10
  • Location of the Smart automation touchscreen software company: Scandinavia / Nordic Company
  • Reason for sale: The owners want to grow the company to reach its global potential, therefore are looking to talk to interested buyers
  • #CFIE ITS329

Overview of the Smart automation touchscreen software company in Scandinavia for sale

The company for sale is an early stage enterprise active in software engineering and technology innovation. It developed a new add-on software which is haptic feed-back solution that makes virtual softkeys in touch screens feel like real buttons. This enables the user (usually car drivers) to perform tasks in touch screens without the need to look at the screen. The solution is pure software fitting in all touch devices, only depending on a vibration engine that is standard in most touch devices. The technology is patented and uses vibration to increase the tactile feedback from touchscreens offering users a much more intuitive experience and safety. The owners are in the initial process of selling a full sale of the company (100%) – alternatively the majority of the company – to a potential larger organization that focuses on haptic feedback and can demonstrate a good fit. The owners are searching for a strategic buyer to ensure faster growth of the business through entering into the automotive sector or other relevant sectors, which will require competencies not currently in the company. A potential buyer could be a software automotive supplier or a company that focuses on haptic feedback, touch screens, consoles, user interface, human machine interfaces and other related technologies. After the deal, the founder is very interested to continue working on the project for the buyer, should this be requested.


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Profile (strategy) of the Smart automation touchscreen software company in Scandinavia for sale

The owners of this smart automation touchscreen software company want to exploit the opportunity of developing the business. The market potential for haptic technology is huge and has a CAGR over 20%. There is an increased demand towards various areas such as: the integration of haptics on electronic devices, the growing use of touchscreen interfaces, the necessity for haptic technology in gaming consoles, adoption of haptics in the automotive sector, education and in holographic display products. The owners aim to mature the solution and are selling the majority of the company (80%) to an international player that has the size and ambitions to lead and grow the technology in the market and anticipates other strategic options with the technology and patents. The founders are interested to talk with a strategic buyer that can also provide synergies and clear plans for development.
There is a large range of utilizations of touchscreen interfaces and there are also many technologies that enable these functions. However, a special situation is when the user has to disrupt his attention for the main activity in order to operate touchscreen functions and this might cause accidents or other types of dangerous outcomes. The software solution developed by the company responds to this problem in a way that it imitates mechanical buttons and provides a guidance model on touchscreens. The invention allows the user to recognize a software key by the tactile feed-back received before activating the function of the software button. The team is formed of highly skilled software engineers that are specialists in haptic feedback. The solutions are developed in-house and are constantly updated with new haptic features. The software can be integrated into any existing system and can be customized to respond the specific needs of the user.

Activities and services of the Smart automation touchscreen software company in Scandinavia for sale

The company for sale developed a smart software solution that makes touchscreen keys to send feed-back as if they were a physical button. This allows the user to maintain uninterrupted attention on the main activity he is performing.

Highlights of the Smart automation touchscreen software company in Scandinavia for sale

  • The company developed a smart touchscreen solution
  • The solution is very helpful in industries such as automotive, shipping and defence
  • The owners are looking to talk with strategic buyers that are interested to grow the business in Scandinavia

More information on this smart automation touchscreen software company in Scandinavia for sale

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