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Software development agency for sale

  • Revenue: < 5M EUR
  • Employees: > 12
  • Net profit: 18%
  • Location of the Software development agency: Europe
  • Reason for sale: The owners want to start new projects in Europe, therefore are looking to talk to interested buyers
  • #CFIE ITS335

Overview of the Software development agency in Europe for sale

The company is active in software development domain helping companies to both design and build software products for web, mobile and all types of connected devices. The cost efficient solutions include also hardware and video components that are provided to large and small enterprises. The company has very good business results with increasing revenues and profit rates. A significant part of the revenues is represented by annual retainers that come from development and maintenance of platform products as well as from support services. Most of the contracts are long-term-agreements that are renewed at the end date. The reasons for selling the company are several. The owners have been working for a long time in the company and wish to pursue a future career outside of the software service sector. They are aware of the fact that in order to optimally service the clients it is required for the company to be become a larger scale agency and the owners have no desire for this. With its experienced team and high-class products and services this company could have a lot of value for the right buyer. After the sale, the founders agree to stay in a company for a while in order to ensure a smooth transition.


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Profile (strategy) of the Software development agency in Europe for sale

This boutique software development and consulting company is specialized in delivering digital solutions especially to clients from the healthcare sector. It is a profitable, efficient agency with a good presence within an attractive niche. The company has around 10 years of activity and has been engaged in multiple projects for large organizations. The team is formed of talented designers, software developers, animators and business people interested to create and deliver innovative products that are intuitive, attractive and technically robust. There are created technology products with the aim to make a positive difference in the working environment as well as in the way people experience the world. In order to fulfil the client’s specific needs, each project has the focus on building and delivering custom, cutting-edge solutions that satisfies the client. Efficiency and high-class practices are the base of each software development activity.
As a software and hardware product studio, the company has a team of engineers and designers that are able to turn innovative ideas into great products. They have expertise to structure bespoke products with the highest level of quality able to offer extraordinary user experience. The agile methodology ensures the delivery of solutions best prepared to face the digital challenges. The products are shaped based on the right languages, frameworks and technologies. The team is skilled to work with languages such as Java, Java Script, Python, SQL, Bash, etc. As technologies used can be mentioned Angulas JS, Django, Node JS, AWS, Redis, Docqer, Bootstrap, etc. The team also delivers own products such as a technology registry platform that strengthens the value and impact of digital health investments, improves coordination and facilitates institutionalization and scale. In the present, the team is involved in developing new own products to be launched on the market.

Activities and services of the Software development agency in Europe for sale

The agency for sale provides services such as:
  • Web & Mobile Application Development
  • Hardware Prototyping
  • App Design & Development
  • UX/UI Design
  • Digital Product Creation & Conceptualization
  • iOT integration
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality

Highlights of the Software development agency in Europe for sale

  • The company is a software development agency active in designing and developing software products
  • The company develops also hardware components for connected devices
  • The owners are looking to talk with potential investors that are interested to grow the business in Europe

More information on this software development agency in Europe for sale

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this software development agency in Europe for sale. For more software development companies for sale please visit the section software development companies for sale. For other software development buyers, please visit the section software development companies wanted. If you are instead interested in ict companies for sale, please visit the ict companies for sale section. For ict buyers, please visit the section ict companies wanted.

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