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Software development company for sale

  • Revenue: < 1M EUR
  • Employees: < 20
  • Location of the Software development company: Spain
  • Reason for sale: The owners want to grow the company in Spain, therefore are looking to talk to interested investors
  • #CFIE ITS435

Overview of the Software development company in Spain for sale

This enterprise for sale is a small IT consultancy company that is active in developing web software applications that enable organizations to go digital. The team also produces machine learning solutions that increase an enterprise productivity. The company has a team of around 20 employees that are specialized in technologies such as Python/Django, Angular, React, React Native, Saleor, Jenkins. The company registers revenue less than 1M Euro and has proven the ability to gain loyal customers. The owners have plans to start a new activity and are considering to sell the company. A potential buyer could be a larger software development company that needs to increase its operations with new products, services and a team of very experienced professionals. The company could also be a fit for a buyer who wants to enter in the Spanish market of software development for applications. Buyers interested in this software development company for sale in Spain are welcome to contact CFIE team for further details.


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Profile (strategy) of the Software development company in Spain for sale

The company for sale is active in developing web software & digital products. It has around 8 years of presence on the market and is experienced in delivering professional services such as web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, intranet applications development and consultancy. For a web or mobile project there are used multiple elements such as strategy, integrations and technologies. The whole idea of development should have very large possibilities, therefore the company uses modern technologies and scalable infrastructures that allow imagination to nurture incredible things. It is necessary that the manager in charge with the project to be totally independent in what matters the content management. There is selected and developed the software that best suits the needs of each project and there is used automatic testing in order to ensure quality code.
The company loves and believes in open source software, it uses software communities to work together to a common project and to improve the final product for the benefit of everybody involved. The team uses Jenkins open source automation server to build, test and deploy its software products. Projects are also deployed using Docker and Kubernetes. The python back-end development designed to be custom and scalable and is worked using tools such as Guillotina, Django or Plone. Modern front applications are built using front-end technologies such as React or Angular, the latest being a web development framework, open source that is used be the team for creating components for the dynamic web applications. Because it provides many features, Angular is specifically used to create Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). It also offers developers multiple possibilities to write in a very clean way with the Model View Controller (MVC). The company uses Angular for a long time to build agile and reliable web applications. The company also applies machine learning techniques to help organization to be more productive.

Activities and services of the Software development company in Spain for sale

The company for sale delivers the following services and solutions:
  • Web Development
  • Web Software Development
  • Back-End & Front-End Development
  • Online Stores Development
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • Consultancy

Highlights of the Software development company in Spain for sale

  • The company is active in the software development industry
  • The company is specialized in providing services such as web development, back-end & front-end development, machine learning and consultancy
  • The company for sale is quite small, but with an experienced team of professionals
  • The owners are looking to sell the company because they want to concentrate on new activities

More information on this software development company in Spain for sale

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this software development company in Spain for sale. For more software development companies for sale please visit the section software development companies for sale. For other software development buyers, please visit the section software development companies wanted. If you are instead interested in ict companies for sale, please visit the ict companies for sale section. For ict buyers, please visit the section ict companies wanted.

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