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Software development outsourcing company for sale

  • Revenue: > 2M EUR
  • Employees: > 40
  • Location of the Software development outsourcing company: Europe
  • Reason for sale: The owners want to grow the company in Europe, therefore are looking to talk to interested investors
  • #CFIE ITS439

Overview of the Software development outsourcing company in Europe for sale

The owners of this software development outsourcing company are interested in further business opportunities, including selling a stake of the shares to strategic buyers. The company would be able to support a potential buyer in various areas such as software development, design, web and mobile applications development. The enterprise builds its own products and provides high quality services to European clients. The business is focused on the German market and its solutions are very well received also in Austria, Luxemburg and Switzerland. However, there is potential to cover also other regional markets. The owners are interested in a buyer that is out of Europe because the goal is to divide the revenue between Euro and other currencies. Having customers overseas might also diversify the types of projects the company is able to provide. Most of the company’s projects are based on body leasing approach and in many parts of the world clients are rather interested in developing projects from the scratch. The team has such experience in choosing technology, preparing architecture, developing software and maintaining it.


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Profile (strategy) of the Software development outsourcing company in Europe for sale

The company has around 50 people employed and in the last years the management decided to go abroad with the operations. As a result, the revenue has known a very high rate of growth (at least 50% year by year) and is expected this trend to continue in the next years too. The management’s strategy in terms of customer concentration is very prudent, meaning that any client regardless the size does not count for more than 20% of the turnover. This protects the company for major negative impact in case a customer decides to quit the collaboration and leaves. In what regards the project outsourcing service prices, the company provides rather expensive services because it focuses on quality, good service and long relationships. The customers chose the company’s services because of the promise to have a long-time collaboration. The company doesn’t need financial resources, its financial situation is stable and the growth potential is not connected with money. The company needs a strong buyer that can create the platform for the company to continue its work and to deliver its services to clients from other regions of the world.
The company provides nearshoring IT solutions, it is specialized in creating and delivering dedicated software. The team has experience in providing nearshoring projects for international clients. The outsourcing services are of two types: project outsourcing and team outsourcing. Project outsourcing is when a client has an IT project he wants to develop or an idea good to follow and the company for sale arranges a fully capable team of developers to make the idea to happen. Scrum teams are put together and work in Agile methodology. Team outsourcing relates to the situation when the client has a project running but lacks developers. In this case, the company for sale borrows its professionals and arranges for the developers to be integrated in the client’s team. Key technologies used regularly by the staff are as follows: Java (EE, Spring), C++, C# (.NET), JavaScript (Angular), PHP (Symfony).

Activities and services of the Software development outsourcing company in Europe for sale

The company for sale delivers the following services:
  • IT Outsourcing & Consulting
  • Software Development
  • Web Services
  • E-Commerce Development
  • Web & Mobile Applications Development
  • Software Testing

Highlights of the Software development outsourcing company in Europe for sale

  • The company for sale is active in delivering nearshoring IT solutions
  • The enterprise builds its own products and provides high quality software development outsourcing services
  • The company wants to have more international clients
  • The owners are looking for strategic buyers that can help the company grow further

More information on this software development outsourcing company in Europe for sale

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this software development outsourcing company in Europe for sale. For more software development companies for sale please visit the section software development companies for sale. For other software development buyers, please visit the section software development companies wanted. If you are instead interested in ict companies for sale, please visit the ict companies for sale section. For ict buyers, please visit the section ict companies wanted.

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