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Vegetable canning factory for sale

  • Revenue: between 1 and 5 million EUR
  • The location is in Eastern Europe
  • The manufacturing company employs more than 100 people
  • Reason for sale: The owner wants a financial partner to grow the company together via improved working capital or sell fully to a strategic buyer
  • CFIE FOS076
  • The asking price is around 3 million EUR

Overview of the vegetable canning factory for sale

The factory for sale is a vegetable canning business in Eastern Europe that exists for more than 2 decades. The company has new, modern machinery and quite some investments have been done over the last years. The canning company for sale has a production capacity of 10 -15 million jars for seasonal products. It possess advanced processing technology that include pasteurization and sterilization. The initial investment of the company was more than 4 million euro. The company has implemented many food safety standards: IFS, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, and HACCP.

The company sells into many markets like Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia, Germany, Cyprus, Australia, USA and Canada. The annual turnover ranges from 3 to 5 million Euros. This revenue is realized with around 100 employees. The company produces private labels for many supermarket chains in the region. It also produces private labels for distributors worldwide. On the local and surrounding markets the company has well established and known brand name and label for its products. The company has the highest quality of products, good manufacturing practice and satisfies strict rules of IFS, ISO 22000 and HACCP standards.

Profile (strategy) of vegetable canning factory for sale

The owner of a canning factory located in Eastern Europe is interested in selling the factory. The main background is that the company faces working capital issues. One alternative is to find a financial investor that supports in improving the working capital availability. With this support the revenue can grow to 10m Euro and the profitability can be increased significantly. Another alternative is to fully sell out to a strategic buyer.

The company focuses on sales to regional vegetable canning product distributors. The company has built up a network of distributors of its vegetable canning products. The business is looking for a sale to a larger strategic player as the owner wants to retire. The company’s core business is production and processing of champignons. Next to this it also processes fruits and vegetables. The company is one of the leading canning factories in the region. The company has production lines for roasted peppers, beetroot, tomato’s and many other products. The companies annual production capacity is more than 12000 tons of final products.

Vegetable canning products

The products of the canning company for sale consist of:

  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Gherkins
  • Champignons
  • Salads
  • Beetroot

Highlights of vegetable canning company for sale

The vegetable canning company for sale has various highlights like:

  • New factory with new equipment
  • Many important certifications
  • Strategically located in a low-cost country with very competitive labor
  • Increasing demand for vegetable canning products
  • Opportunity to expand the sales within the current factories with an improved working capital


More information on this vegetable canning factory for sale

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this vegetable canning factory for sale. For more food production companies for sale please visit the section food production companies for sale. For other food production buyers, please visit the section food production companies wanted. If you are instead interested in food companies for sale, please visit the food companies for sale section. For food buyers, please visit the section food companies wanted.

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