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Express logistics company in Central Europe to buy

- Größe: mittelständisches Unternehmen
- Einkünfte: < 10 Mio. EUR
- Gesuchter Standort: Mitteleuropa
• #CFIE TRB229

Overview of the buyer of an express logistics company in Central Europe

The buyer, a large foreign transport enterprise, is looking to expand its operations in Central European countries through mergers and acquisitions. They are specifically interested in acquiring a middle-sized express logistics company in the region. The buyer is seeking a target company that is already established in the industry, with a solid customer base and a strong presence in Central European countries. The buyer is interested in a company that has a strong track record of delivering goods quickly and efficiently, with a focus on customer satisfaction. They are also looking for a target company that has a reliable network of transportation and distribution channels, to ensure seamless delivery of goods to customers in Central European countries.

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Profile (strategy) of the buyer of an express logistics company in Central Europe

The buyer’s strategy is to enhance its market presence in the region by acquiring a company that offers express logistics services. They are looking for a target company that can help them achieve their strategic goals of expanding their presence in Central European countries and providing high-quality express logistics services to their customers in the region.

Activities and products of the express logistics company in Central Europe wanted

The buyer is looking for a target company that can complement their existing operations and help them expand their service offerings in the region. They are seeking a company that has a strong management team, a skilled workforce, and a solid financial performance. They are looking for a target company that has a good reputation in the market and provides a wide range of logistics services, including express delivery, warehousing, and distribution.

Highlights of the buyer and of the express logistics company in Central Europe wanted

• Buyer is a global logistics company
• Desired activities of target company include same-day and next-day delivery
• Target company should have a strong customer base in the Central European market

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