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Allgemeine Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen

  • Industrie: Verarbeitendes Gewerbe
  • Subindustry: PVC and Aluminum carpentry
  • Revenue: >50m EUR
  • EBITDA: >10m. The owner is expecting an EBITDA multiple in the range of 7 to 8.
  • Standort: Europa
  • #CFIE MAS366

Overview of PVC windows manufacturer in Europe for sale

The company specializes in carpentry and has over two decades of industry experience. Its primary focus is on producing PVC and aluminum goods. Above all, it is dedicated to continual advancement through investments in technology and ongoing training of skilled personnel. The company is also known for its innovative approach, having developed unique and modern manufacturing systems for some product series. The company operates in one of the most attractive CEE regions for investment, featuring fast-growing demand for the construction material sector. Additionally, it features a modern, fully automated production facility with direct access to highways. Moreover, it holds the necessary certifications that validate the quality of its operations and its adherence to EC environmental standards. The shareholders are considering bringing in a strategic investor for the company.

Profile (strategy) of PVC windows manufacturer in Europe for sale

This company for sale is a leading local business with a nationwide distribution network and export capabilities, with 20% of its production being sent mainly to EU countries. It has strong relationships with PVC profile and glass global suppliers. The company’s strategy prioritizes the price/quality ratio to provide convenience for its customers. It also focuses on utilizing the latest technology to enhance production equipment efficiency and performance, ensuring orderly and fluid production processes. The company has developed unique products and has a prominent position in the European industry. It has maintained a strong financial performance, with close to a 10% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in sales over the last 5 years.

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Activities and products of PVC windows manufacturer in Europe for sale

This company specializes in the production of a diverse range of aluminum and PVC doors and windows, offering the flexibility of customizations to suit individual client requirements while maintaining efficient delivery schedules. The product line includes:

  • Cutting-edge PVC and aluminum doors and windows
  • State-of-the-art glass doors and windows designed for optimal insulation and durability
  • Automated roller shutters equipped with energy-saving features and control systems
  • Lightweight facades
  • Complementary accessories such as profiles and grilles

Highlights of PVC windows manufacturer in Europe for sale

  • Leading company specializing in the manufacturing of PVC and Aluminum doors and windows.
  • The Company operates in a fast-growing CEE region for construction materials.
  • The company serves the national and international market
  • The company makes constant investments in cutting-edge technology.
  • Utilizes automated and modern systems with special features compatible with smart homes.
  • The Company has a track record of strong financial performance

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen PVC windows manufacturer Europe for sale

Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, wenn Sie mehr über dieses Automobilersatzteilhandelsunternehmen erfahren möchten. PVC windows manufacturer Europe for sale. Für weitere Aluminiumunternehmen zum Verkauf besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Aluminiumunternehmen zu verkaufen. Für andere Aluminiumkäufer besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Aluminiumunternehmen gesucht. Wenn Sie stattdessen an zu verkaufenden Produktionsunternehmen interessiert sind, besuchen Sie bitte die Fertigungsunternehmen zu verkaufen Abschnitt. Für Einkäufer aus dem produzierenden Gewerbe besuchen Sie bitte den Bereich Fertigungsunternehmen gesucht.

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