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Allgemeine Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen,

  • Größe: Mittelgroße bis große Unternehmen
  • Umsatzerlöse: 5 - 50 Millionen EUR
  • Standort: Polen.
  • #CFIE PLB282

Overview of buyer for injection molding company in Poland

The buyer is a prominent European-based organization specializing in high-quality technical injection molding. Significantly, it is renowned for its expertise in manufacturing precision-engineered components. Now, this company is ready to expand its footprint in Poland. Coupled with a reputation for maintaining high standards of quality and innovation, the buyer aims to leverage its capabilities to grow its presence in the Polish market through strategic acquisition.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for injection molding company in Poland

Notably, the buyer is part of a leading group in advanced technical manufacturing based in Europe. At this time, it wants to acquire a well-established injection molding company in Poland that excels in high-quality technical molding. Ideally, the target will have a proven track record of precision and quality, modern machinery, and strong operational capabilities. Essentially, the buyer intends to integrate the new acquisition into its existing operations to enhance growth and expand market reach.

Aktivitäten und Produkte des gesuchten Herstellers von technischen Superkunststoffen

In particular, the perfect acquisition target would be an injection molding company with the following characteristics:

  • Jahresumsatz zwischen 5 und 50 Millionen Euro
  • Sitz in Polen
  • Specializes in technical injection molding with a focus on producing high-quality components
  • Nachweis starker operativer Fähigkeiten und strenger Qualitätskontrolle
  • Ausgestattet mit modernen Maschinen und fortschrittlichen Fertigungsverfahren
  • Erfahrung in der Herstellung von präzisionsgefertigten Komponenten

Above all, this opportunity is ideal for companies meeting these criteria and seeking strategic growth or partnerships with a leading industry player.

Highlights of buyer for injection molding company in Poland

  • Buyer profile: A leading European company with expertise in high-quality technical injection molding
  • Manufacturing expertise: Known for advanced technical knowledge and high-quality production standards
  • Expansion goals: Aims to expand operations and market presence in Poland through acquisition
  • Target industry: Injection molding for technical and precision-engineered components
  • Target revenue range: 5 to 50 million euros
  • Opportunity: Ideal for companies seeking growth opportunities or strategic partnerships in the injection molding sector

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Buyer for injection molding company in Poland

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