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Kontraktlogistikunternehmen in Italien gesucht

- Größe: Klein
- Einkünfte: < 5 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: 10%
• Location of the target company: Italy
• #CFIE TRB223

Overview of buyer for contract logistics company in Italy

The buyer is an Italian logistics group specializing in third-party logistics services. Currently, it seeks to acquire a small logistics company in Italy. More specifically, one that will enhance its service offerings and capabilities. Thus, strengthening its position in the Italian logistics market.

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Profile (strategy) of buyer for contract logistics company in Italy

Chiefly, the strategy is to expand operations and market share by acquiring a target company that complements the buyer’s existing services and capabilities. Essentially, the buyer aims to achieve growth and success in the competitive logistics industry. Consequently, it plans to do this by acquiring a small logistics company in Italy that aligns with its strategic goals and values,

Activities and services of target contract logistics company in Italy

Preferably, the target company should also be based in Italy. In particular, it must be focused on warehousing and distribution services, including storage, inventory management, order fulfillment, and transportation. Further, other value-added services such as packaging and labeling are highly desired. Ideally, a company that has a strong track record of providing reliable and efficient logistics solutions to its clients.

Highlights of buyer for contract logistics company in Italy

• The buyer is an Italian logistics group specializing in third-party logistics services
• Seeks to acquire a small logistics company in Italy
• Ready to expand its market reach and capabilities in the logistics industry
• Target company should be based in Italy and preferably offer warehousing and distribution

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Kontraktlogistikunternehmen in Italien gesucht

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