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Allgemeine Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen,

  • Größe: Mittelständisches Unternehmen
  • Revenue: 20 – 100 million EUR
  • Standort: Europa
  • #CFIE MAB312

Overview of buyer for high-voltage cable manufacturers in Europe

The buyer belongs to a conglomerate led by a large, highly-ranked corporate group in South Korea. Notably, it has been established in the cable industry for more than 6 decades. Significantly, it maintains a significant global presence with branches and subsidiaries in countries such as the Netherlands, England, North America, and Vietnam. Altogether, the conglomerate’s portfolio covers several key sectors. Among them are construction, civil engineering, retail complexes, gold exchange, golf and resorts, wholesale distribution of fruit and vegetables, finance, media, manufacturing, and charitable foundations.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for high-voltage cable manufacturers in Europe

The buyer is a successful industrial leader in the global cable market. Overall, they offer comprehensive, fast, and flexible solutions, ranging from product development to maintenance. Further, the company has a global network spanning countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania. Moreover, they have established production corporations, subsidiaries, and branches of the cable business in these regions.

In the past year, the company has further improved its performance due to increased sales of high-margin products such as EHV power grids. In total, the buyer offers cutting-edge solutions and technology for three main groups. Firstly, products for power transmission, distribution, and for generating renewable energy. Secondly, base metal products for industries such as heavy industry, electrical, and electronics. Thirdly, products for copper communications and optical cables.

Currently, the company is interested in acquiring a cable manufacturer in Europe to continue its expansion in the region.

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Aktivitäten und Produkte des gesuchten Unternehmens.

Das Zielunternehmen ist ein Kabelhersteller in Europa, der die folgenden Anforderungen erfüllt:

  • Industrie: Verarbeitendes Gewerbe
  • Sub-industry: Cable manufacturing
  • Standort: Europa
  • Revenue: 20 – 100 million EUR
  • Specific activities: High voltage electrical cable manufacturing.
  • Required or preferred knowledge/experience: Updated and high-quality products.

Highlights of buyer for high-voltage cable manufacturers in Europe

    • The buyer belongs to a conglomerate led by a large, highly-ranked corporate group in South Korea
    • Established company in the cable industry for more than 6 decades
    • Successful industrial leader in the global cable market
    • Currently interested in acquiring a high-voltage cable manufacturer in Europe to continue its expansion in the region
    • They are ready to acquire companies with annual revenues between 20 and 100 million euros

    Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Buyer for high voltage cable manufacturers in Europe

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