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Straßengüterverkehrslogistikunternehmen in Mitteleuropa gesucht

- Größe: Kleines Unternehmen
- Einkünfte: < 5 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: 5 - 10%
- Gesuchter Standort: Mitteleuropa
- #CFIE TRB227

Overview of buyer for road freight logistics company in Central Europe

The buyer is a European-based transport company. Now, it seeks to expand its operations through the acquisition of a road freight logistics company in Central Europe. Primarily, the buyer’s core business activities include the transportation of goods such as food and beverages, raw materials, and semi-finished products. In addition to standard road freight services, the company also offers express deliveries, refrigerated logistics, and thermo transports. Essentially, the buyer seeks a target company that complements its existing operations and enhances its capabilities in the road freight logistics sector. Above all, the buyer aims to strengthen its market position, increase its customer base, and drive growth in the region. Chiefly, by acquiring a company with a strong presence in Central European countries and a similar range of services

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Profile (strategy) of buyer for road freight logistics company in Central Europe

Overall, the buyer’s strategy is to enhance its existing services and capabilities by acquiring a target company that aligns with its current business model. In particualr, this includes synergies in terms of geographical coverage, customer base, and service offerings. Further, the target company should have a strong presence in Central European countries, allowing the buyer to expand its reach and tap into new markets.

Activities and services of target road freight logistics company in Central Europe

In terms of service, the buyer is looking for a target company that offers a wide range of road freight logistics services. Especially those that are similar to its core business activities. In this case, this includes services such as express deliveries, refrigerated logistics, and thermo transports. Additionally, the target company should have the ability to provide additional services such as storage or assembly. For example, either through in-house capabilities or partnerships with experienced providers.

Highlights of buyer and target road freight logistics company in Central Europe

• The buyer is a European-based transport company
• Ready to strategically expand its presence in Central Europe
• Target should specialize in express deliveries, refrigerated logistics, and thermo transports

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Straßengüterverkehrslogistikunternehmen in Mitteleuropa gesucht

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