Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen
- Größe: Mittelgroßes Unternehmen
- Einnahmen: 3-30 MIO. EUR
- Standort des Zielunternehmens: Europa
Anbieter von Managed Security in Europa zu verkaufen buyer for IT Solutions company in Europe
A leading IT solutions provider is dedicated to building and shaping the IT landscape of today and tomorrow. With a mission to serve as a trusted digital partner, the company helps businesses navigate the complexities of an evolving technological environment. Guided by a strong vision and foundational commitments, it fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and empowerment to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
Profil des in Österreich zu verkaufenden Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmens buyer for IT Solutions company in Europe
The company has grown into a full-service IT partner with a team of over 1,500 professionals. It prides itself on deep business understanding, offering tailored solutions to its clients. More than just an IT service provider, the company acts as a strategic partner, ensuring that organizations remain resilient and competitive in an increasingly digital world.
Contact us to get details about this buyer for IT Solutions company in Europe
Tätigkeit & Produkte von buyer for IT Solutions company in Europe
The company specializes in a comprehensive range of IT services, with a strong focus on cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure, and application services. In the field of cybersecurity, it provides managed security services, including a state-of-the-art Security Operations Center (SOC) and expert security consultancy based on industry-leading frameworks. Its cloud infrastructure solutions are designed to enhance business speed, value, and growth while also promoting environmental sustainability. Additionally, the company excels in application services, offering agile and scalable software solutions that enable businesses to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Through these integrated offerings, the company ensures that organizations can navigate the complexities of modern IT with confidence and efficiency.
Schwerpunkte bei den Auswahlkriterien des Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmens buyer for IT Solutions company in Europe
- Strategic IT Partner: Acts as a trusted ally, ensuring that clients can confidently navigate digital transformation.
- Comprehensive Service Portfolio: Provides end-to-end IT solutions, from cybersecurity to cloud and application services.
- Experten-Team: A workforce of over 1,500 IT professionals with deep expertise and industry certifications.
- Innovation & Collaboration: Focuses on continuous improvement and strong partnerships to drive business success.
Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Einkäufer für IT-Lösungsunternehmen in Europa
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