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  • Größe: Klein
  • Einkünfte: < 5 Mio. EUR
  • Location of the company: Austria
  • CFIE ITS677

Overview of b
usiness intelligence software provider in Austria for sale

This IT company specializes in business intelligence. Essentially the company offers comprehensive solutions that bridge the gap between marketing and IT through custom-developed software. Moreover, the company is well-regarded for its expertise in delivering advanced business intelligence solutions in this sector.

Profil des Kusiness intelligence software provider in Austria for sale

Overall, the company possesses a high level of technical specialization in business intelligence, supported by a team of highly trained and educated professionals. Further, it maintains a pleasant working environment with a low employee turnover and a solid reputation. Altogether, the company serves a diverse clientele, which includes substantial corporations. Chiefly, it focuses on providing cutting-edge solutions in the information and communication technology domain.

Activities and services of business intelligence software provider in Austria for sale

Notably, the company provides various services such as e-commerce analytics, AI solutions, and data strategy consulting. In particular, they design these services to optimize data utilization and enhance business decision-making processes. Above all, they tailor the company’s offerings to meet the specific needs of clients at the intersection of marketing and IT. Thus, leveraging their specialized software developed in-house.

Höhepunkte des Kusiness intelligence software provider in Austria for sale

  • Technical specialization: The company is recognized for its deep expertise in business intelligence, delivering specialized solutions that meet complex client needs.
  • Stable work environment: It boasts a positive working atmosphere and low employee turnover, contributing to its operational stability and client satisfaction.
  • Highly skilled team: A well-trained team of educated professionals ensures high-quality service delivery.
  • Established clientele: It has a solid client base that includes regular engagements with significant corporations, highlighting its credibility and reliability.

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Business intelligence software provider in Austria for sale

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