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Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen

  • Industrie: Lebensmittelproduktion
  • Sub-industry: chocolate and cocoa product manufacturing
  • Standort: Westeuropa
  • Unternehmensgewinne: <5 Mio. EUR
  • EBITDA: positiv
  • Grund für den Verkauf: Der Anteilseigner möchte das Unternehmen einschließlich aller Vermögenswerte verkaufen, um sich auf andere Unternehmungen zu konzentrieren.
  • #CFIE FOS162

    Overview of this chocolate manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

    Firstly, this well-established chocolate manufacturer in Western Europe specializes in processing raw cacao into high-quality chocolate products, including bars, coatings, and cocoa-based ingredients. Operating from a fully equipped and certified facility, the company has a strong market presence and a stable customer base. With significant growth potential, this acquisition offers a compelling opportunity for investors looking to expand in the chocolate manufacturing industry.

    Profile (strategy) of this chocolate manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

    Mainly, this company is a well-recognized player in the chocolate industry, producing a range of chocolate-based products for both retail and commercial markets. Additionally, it produces a variety of chocolate bars, coatings, and other cocoa-based products. Operating from a fully equipped production facility, the company ensures compliance with industry standards and quality certifications. With a strong reputation and a dedicated team, the business is positioned for significant growth opportunities.

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    Contact us to get details about this chocolate manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

    Activities and products of this chocolate manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

    Furthermore, the company specializes in the production of high-quality chocolate and cocoa-based products. Its operations include the processing of raw cacao, refining and manufacturing chocolate liquor, and producing cocoa powder and cocoa butter. The product portfolio includes solid chocolate bars, chocolate coatings, and other chocolate-based items catering to diverse market needs. The facility is fully compliant with industry regulations, ensuring high production standards and quality assurance.

    Highlights of this chocolate manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

    • Well-established market presence with a strong reputation in the chocolate manufacturing industry
    • Fully operational production facility with modern equipment and valid certifications
    • Diverse product range, including chocolate bars, coatings, and cocoa-based products
    • Stable customer base with opportunities for further market expansion
    • Located in a well-known region for chocolate production, benefiting from an established supply chain
    • Secure and profitable investment opportunity with significant growth potential

    Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Schokoladenhersteller in Westeuropa zu verkaufen

    Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, wenn Sie mehr über dieses Automobilersatzteilhandelsunternehmen erfahren möchten. Schokoladenhersteller in Westeuropa zu verkaufen. Für weitere Lebensmittelproduktionsunternehmen zum Verkauf besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Lebensmittelproduktionsunternehmen zu verkaufen. Für andere Einkäufer der Lebensmittelproduktion besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Lebensmittelproduktionsbetriebe gesucht. Wenn Sie stattdessen an Lebensmittelunternehmen interessiert sind, die zum Verkauf stehen, besuchen Sie bitte die Lebensmittelunternehmen zu verkaufen Abschnitt. Für Einkäufer von Lebensmitteln, besuchen Sie bitte den Bereich Lebensmittelunternehmen gesucht.

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