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Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen

  • Revenue: NA
  • Standort: Westeuropa
  • CFIE: PLS279

Overview of waste recycling plant in Western Europe for sale

This sale proposition solely focuses on a recycling plant that is part of a broader business. Primarily, the plant specializes in recycling organic substances including metal, metal compounds, and an array of inorganic materials. Though, it should be noted that the rest of the business operations outside the recycling plant are not part of this transaction.
Overall, the recycling plant harnesses a complex amalgamation of manual and mechanical techniques. Specifically, this includes sorting, separation, screening, and shredding. These processes enable it to undertake efficient waste management and resource recovery, contributing to a more sustainable environment.
Significantly, the recycling plant has an annual capacity of up to 90,000 tons of waste. However, the current production volume is 50,000 tons, indicating an underutilized potential that can be explored further for greater output and revenue growth.
Currently, the plant is licensed to accept and process a broad spectrum of waste materials. This involves waste from agriculture, packaging waste, absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials, and protective clothing. Moreover, construction, demolition debris, wastes from other waste management facilities, off-site wastewater treatment plants, and municipal waste encompassing household, commercial, and industrial waste are included.
Rigid plastic is the primary output of the recycling plant’s operations. Clearly, the focus on this product suggests opportunities for potential buyers in the plastic industry. For example, those that may be looking to supplement their supply chain with recycled materials or contemplating a diversification into the burgeoning recycling sector.
Above all, the recycling plant occupies a 6-acre plot and includes three warehouses, an office area, and an enclosed loading canopy. In total, the functional area is approximately 7,000 square meters, offering ample space for future expansion or diversification.

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Abfallverwertungsanlage in Westeuropa zu verkaufen

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