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Allgemeine Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen

  • Industrie: Verarbeitendes Gewerbe
  • Unterindustrie: CNC-Bearbeitung
  • Revenue: Less than 5 m EUR
  • Mitarbeiter: 80
  • Standort: Ost-Europa
  • #CFIE MAS361

Overview of Precision Machining and Metal Construction Solution Company for sale in Eastern Europe

The company for sale is a well-established metal and hydraulic machining factory that manufactures products and offers a range of associated services for some of them. With almost a decade of experience in the industry, the company has been distinguished with awards and certifications that serve as a testament to the quality of its work. Taking advantage of cutting-edge technology and a team of highly trained professionals, the company serves clients from various sectors around the world. Overall, it has quickly made a name for itself in the field of CNC metal processing. The sale includes a production and office space of over 4000 m2 together with or without special machines for metal machining and hydraulics. It also includes surrounding land with fences of over 4500 m2, 1 MW of installed electricity, and 200 kW of solar panels.

Profile (strategy) of Precision Machining and Metal Construction Solution Company for sale in Eastern Europe

The company possesses extensive international experience and specializes in the realm of metal processing. They boast the expertise, machinery, and tools necessary to handle an extensive range of metals including aluminum, steel, stainless steel, bronze, and brass. Their fully-equipped facilities enable the production of machine parts, metal structures, and hydraulic components all within a single location. Additionally, they market and services for a subset of their product line.

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Activities and products of Precision Machining and Metal Construction Solution Company for sale in Eastern Europe

The company offers tailored solutions for CNC machining, hydraulics, cutting, bending, and welding. In the field of CNC machining, the company specializes in the precision milling and scraping of custom or series-specific components. For hydraulics, the company provides expertise in deep drilling, pipe burnishing, and chrome plating. Additionally, the company delivers personalized services for cutting, bending, and welding requirements.

Highlights of Precision Machining and Metal Construction Solution Company for sale in Eastern Europe

  • The company for sale is a well-established metal and hydraulic machining factory known for its high quality.
  • It has nearly a decade of experience in the industry.
  • The company utilizes cutting-edge technology and has a team of highly trained professionals.
  • It has production and office space of over 4000 m2.
  • The company serves several industries.
  • It has a solid portfolio of national and international customers.

Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Precision Machining and Metal Construction Solution Company for sale in Eastern Europe

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