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Einkünfte: > 10 Millionen EUR
Standort: Rumänien
Reason for Sale: The management is open to hearing offers from interested buyers and partners


Overview of PVC ornamental panels manufacturer in Romania for sale

This established manufacturer specializes in the production of high-quality PVC ornamental panels, boasting over 15 years of experience in the industry. The company operates a profitable business model and caters to various markets, including residential and commercial sectors. With a modern manufacturing facility, the company offers a wide range of decorative panels that combine durability with aesthetic appeal. A dedicated management team ensures efficient operations and maintains high standards of quality.


Profile (strategy) of PVC ornamental panels manufacturer in Romania for sale

The company is positioned on a state-of-the-art industrial platform, utilizing advanced technologies for the design and production of PVC panels. Its solid market presence is supported by extensive industry knowledge and a stable financial foundation. Employing a skilled workforce of fewer than 50 employees, the management team is committed to driving operational excellence and strategic growth. The production capabilities are designed to meet the diverse needs of clients, providing customizable solutions for various applications.


Products of PVC ornamental panels manufacturer in Romania for sale

The core business focuses on the manufacturing of innovative PVC ornamental panels suited for numerous applications:

  • Inneneinrichtung
  • Exterior cladding
  • Architectural accents

The company employs modern production methods and quality control measures to ensure that all products meet rigorous standards. Its diverse product line-up is designed to appeal to a wide array of customers, enhancing both functionality and style in various environments.


Highlights of PVC ornamental panels manufacturer in Romania for sale

  • Established manufacturer with over 15 years of industry experience
  • Strong financial performance and reliable operational capabilities
  • Comprehensive product portfolio serving multiple applications
  • Modern facility equipped with cutting-edge production technologies
  • Experienced management team ready to support a seamless transition

The management is open to discussing offers from interested buyers and partners.

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