Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen
- Umsatz: < 15 Mio. EUR
- EBITDA: 10%
- Standort: Frankreich
• #CFIE TRS388
Overview of road freight logistics firm in France for sale
The road freight logistics firm in France that is currently up for sale presents a unique opportunity for potential buyers to acquire a well-established and profitable business in the transportation industry. With over 20 years of experience in the market, the company has built a solid reputation for providing reliable and efficient logistics services to its clients. The company’s strong customer base and experienced team of employees make it an attractive investment for individuals or companies looking to enter or expand their presence in the logistics sector.
Contact us to get details about this road freight logistics firm in France for sale
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Profile(strategy) of road freight logistics firm in France for sale
The corporate strategy of the road freight logistics firm in France is focused on providing comprehensive logistics solutions to its clients, including storage, cross-docking, and value-added services. By offering a full range of services and maintaining a fleet of transport vehicles, the company is able to meet the diverse and evolving needs of its customers. The company’s commitment to excellence in service delivery, coupled with its strategic approach to business development, has been key to its success in the highly competitive logistics industry.
Activities and services of road freight logistics firm in France for sale
The activities and services offered by the road freight logistics firm in France include transportation and deliveries of goods by road, as well as warehousing and distribution services. The company prides itself on its ability to handle a wide variety of loads and provide customized logistics solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. With a team of skilled and dedicated employees, the company ensures that every aspect of the logistics process is managed efficiently and effectively, from storage and handling to transportation and delivery. Overall, the company’s diverse range of services and strong market presence position it as a lucrative investment opportunity for buyers seeking to capitalize on the growing demand for logistics services in France.
Highlights of road freight logistics firm in France for sale
• Logistics service provider with a focus on road freight
• Over 20 years of operations
• Experienced team of 100 employees
• Strong market presence in France
Weitere Informationen über dieses in Osteuropa zu verkaufende Unternehmen Straßengüterverkehrslogistikunternehmen in Frankreich zu verkaufen
Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, wenn Sie mehr über dieses Automobilersatzteilhandelsunternehmen erfahren möchten. Straßengüterverkehrslogistikunternehmen in Frankreich zu verkaufen.Für weitere zum Verkauf stehende Logistikunternehmen zum Verkauf besuchen Sie bitte den Bereich Logistikunternehmen zu verkaufen. Für andere Logistikeinkäufer besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Logistikunternehmen gesucht. Wenn Sie stattdessen an zu verkaufenden Transportunternehmen interessiert sind, besuchen Sie bitte die Transportunternehmen zu verkaufen Abschnitt. Für Käufer von Transportmitteln besuchen Sie bitte den Abschnitt Transportunternehmen gesucht.
Registrieren Sie sich bitte als interessierter Käufer für dieses Logistikunternehmen.
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