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Angaben über das gesuchte Unternehmen

  • Einkünfte: > 10 Millionen EUR
  • Standort: Östlich Europa
  • Verkaufsgrund: The seller would like to capitalize on the growing demand in the water infrastructure market and fill the investment gap to meet the increasing market needs
  • #CFIE MAS411

Overview of water treatment piping manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

Primarily, this company has over 30 years of experience in the water industry. Notably, it is a leading provider of comprehensive water and waste management solutions in its country. In addition, the company manufactures, supplies, and services high-quality materials for gas, water, and sewage infrastructure. Significantly, its key products include high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pressure pipes, custom high-density polyethylene (HDPE) components, and water treatment systems. Crucially, all products undergo rigorous testing in an in-house laboratory and are certified by accredited bodies before being released into the market.

Besides manufacturing, the company offers a full range of services, including on-site welding, equipment rental, and logistics support. Consequently, this ensures seamless project execution. Further, the company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made it a trusted partner in water infrastructure development across the region.

Profile (strategy) of water treatment piping manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

Currently, the company is in the process of strengthening its market leadership in the water and waste management sector while expanding. Principally, it aims to modernize its production facilities, increase manufacturing capacity, and expand storage. With an emphasis on product innovation, it offers customized solutions for water, gas, and sewage infrastructure using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) materials. Moreover, it is committed to sustainability, aligning with the country’s infrastructure upgrade plan. In this case, it utilizes eco-friendly manufacturing processes and long-lasting solutions for water conservation and flood protection.

Significantly, its approach is customer-centric, with strategic partnerships at the core of the company’s growth strategy. Chiefly, the company ensures customer satisfaction and reliability by providing end-to-end services. In particular, this includes manufacturing, on-site welding, equipment rental, and logistics support. Equally important, it also prioritizes financial stability, maintaining profit margins of 14% to 24% through cost-efficient processes and targeting high-demand projects. Above all, the company’s long-term strategy is built on innovation, sustainability, and strong collaborations to meet evolving infrastructure needs in the region.

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Activities and products of water treatment piping manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

Broadly, the company’s extensive product range caters to a variety of applications, including water distribution, irrigation, cable protection, drainage, and infiltration systems. Altogether, its major product categories include:

  • Rohre: Rohre aus Polyethylen hoher Dichte (HDPE) und Polyethylen niedriger Dichte (LDPE) für die Wasserverteilung, Bewässerung und den Kabelschutz
  • Armaturen: Mechanische, Elektroschweiß- und Stumpfarmaturen für Gas- und Wassersysteme
  • Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft: Schächte, Behälter, Fettabscheider und Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen
  • Entwässerungsprodukte: Rinnen, Abflüsse, Roste und Komponenten aus Beton oder Glasfasern

Highlights of water treatment piping manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

  • Manufactures high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pipes and custom infrastructure components
  • Über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft
  • Umfangreiche Produktpalette, einschließlich Rohre, Formstücke, Wasseraufbereitungssysteme und Entwässerungslösungen
  • High-quality standards with in-house laboratory testing and certification
  • Umfassende Dienstleistungen, von der Herstellung und dem Schweißen vor Ort bis zur Vermietung von Geräten und logistischer Unterstützung
  • Strategische Lage mit direktem Zugang zu den wichtigsten Autobahnen für einen effizienten Vertrieb
  • Stabile finanzielle Leistung mit Bruttogewinnspannen von 14% bis 24%
  • Künftige Expansionspläne, einschließlich neuer Lagereinrichtungen und Produktionslinien mit hoher Kapazität
  • Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und Unterstützung der Modernisierung der Wasserinfrastruktur des Landes

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