
Empresa para comprar

  • Tamaño: pequeña/mediana empresa
  • Ingresos: 2-20 millones de euros
  • Ubicación: Europa
  • #CFIE MAB314

Overview of buyer for ceramic matrices manufacturer for military applications

The buyer possesses expertise in composite materials and is adept at tailoring solutions for challenging requirements. Specializing in thermal control, the company produces ceramic matrices, integrating them with diverse complements to yield composites capable of withstanding temperatures over 2,000° C. Additionally, the company boasts extensive experience in engineering and fabricating top-tier components using conventional composite materials. It is helmed by a highly skilled management team with an extensive and successful business track record. Moreover, the company holds certifications in compliance with the Quality Management System Standard: EN9100:2018, AS9100D, JISQ9100:2016, and ISO 9001:2015. Equally significant is the company’s ownership of patented materials and technology, with forward patents currently undergoing the patenting process.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for ceramic matrices manufacturer for military applications

The buyer primarily caters to the aerospace, naval, and defense sectors and is recognized for its innovative approach and superior quality in composites, intellectual property related to novel materials, and expertise in composite material engineering. Its extensive facilities, spanning over 4,000 m2 with more than 1,000 m2 of covered area, house state-of-the-art machinery and equipment. Additionally, the company is endorsed as a qualified manufacturer of ceramic composite materials for the aerospace industry and holds a special patent for ceramic matrices designed for aerospace and naval applications, incorporating specific compounds. These matrices are particularly suitable for fireproof bulkheads in ships or aircraft. Noteworthy services offered by the company include material combination engineering, printing, and testing, with a focus on nanocomposite materials that possess unique characteristics and are utilized in the production of various items.

At present, the buyer aims to expand its operations and is actively seeking a composite manufacturing company in Europe.

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Valoración en línea de empresas manufactureras

Actividades y productos de las empresas objetivo adecuadas

The target company is a ceramic matrices manufacturer for military applications that meets the following requirements:

  • Industria: Fabricación
  • Sub-industry: Composites
  • Ubicación: Europa
  • Ingresos: 2-20 millones de euros
  • Specific Activities: industrial production of composites/ ceramic matrices
  • Required or preferred knowledge/experience: recycled carbon fiber

Highlights of buyer for ceramic matrices manufacturer for military applications

  • The buyer is a qualified manufacturer of ceramic composite materials for the aerospace industry.
  • The company’s ownership of patented materials and technology, with forward patents currently undergoing the patenting process.
  • The buyer primarily caters to the aerospace, naval, and defense sectors
  • The target company is a manufacturer of ceramic matrices for military applications in Europe.
  • They are interested in acquiring companies with annual revenues between 2 and 20 million EUR.

    Más información Buyer for ceramic matrices manufacturer for military applications

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