
Empresa para comprar

  • Tamaño: Pequeña/mediana empresa
  • Ingresos: 3 - 30 millones de euros
  • Ubicación: Europa
  • #CFIE MAB313

Overview of buyer for climate impact manufacturers in Europe

The buyer is a sustainable investment firm that identifies and invests in companies. In particular, those with strong growth potential and a significant positive impact, both financially and environmentally. Primarily, the firm focuses on sectors with notable climate impact, seeking to support and promote sustainable development. With a highly experienced team, the firm has a proven track record of building robust teams, facilitating transaction flows, and driving meaningful impact for over a decade.

Profile (strategy) of buyer for climate impact manufacturers in Europe

Specifically, this investment group specializes in identifying and supporting opportunities that offer both superior financial returns and a positive climate impact. Predominately, their focus areas encompass electric power systems, mobility, the built environment, and industrial decarbonization. Overall, the investment approach is characterized by strict criteria and is backed by a robust support network. Above all, the group actively seeks out and supports impactful opportunities, acting as a catalyst for transformative change across various sectors. Primarily, they achieve this through forming alliances, engaging in strategic growth planning, and upholding disciplined financial management practices. In total, these are aimed at adding substantial value to their investment portfolio.

Además, el grupo está actualmente en el mercado de una empresa europea bien establecida y resistente que presenta oportunidades para crear un impacto positivo.

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Valoración en línea de empresas manufactureras

Actividades y productos de las empresas objetivo adecuadas

The target company is a climate impact manufacturer in Europe that meets the following requirements:

  • Industria: Fabricación
  • Subindustria: Sectores de emisiones mundiales de GEI
  • Ubicación: Europa
  • Ingresos: 3 - 30 millones de euros
  • EBITDA: Positivo
  • Specific activities: Companies with high growth potential in the climate impact segment, and companies within the value chains that also allow products and services
  • Required or preferred knowledge/experience: Established product and/or technology with existing customers
    1. Leading company (top 5 in its segment)
    2. Relevant products not commoditized
    3. >15% organic revenue growth per annum
    4. Creating impact needs to be part of the DNA of the company
    5. Ability to be price competitive in the future with incumbent
  • Otras observaciones:
    1. 20% – 70% stakes
    2. Sufficiently strong governance rights

Highlights of buyer for climate impact manufacturers in Europe

  • The buyer is a sustainable investment firm dedicated to investing in companies with significant positive impact
  • Specialize in identifying and supporting opportunities that offer superior financial returns and a positive climate impact
  • Focus on electric power systems, mobility, the built environment, and industrial decarbonization
  • Driver of meaningful impact for over a decade
  • Target companies should be climate-impact manufacturers in Europe
  • Interested in acquiring companies with annual revenues between 3 and 30 million euros and a positive EBITDA

    Más información Buyer for climate impact manufacturers in Europe

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