
Empresa en venta

  • Industria: Fabricación
  • Subindustry: Horticultural Machinery
  • Revenue: <10m EUR
  • Ubicación: Western Europa
  • #CFIE MAS363

Overview of horticultural machinery manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

The company is dedicated to crafting high-quality equipment tailored for the maintenance of green spaces, including parks, gardens, and landscapes. With a rich history spanning several decades, the company has honed its expertise in the intricate design, meticulous production, and strategic marketing of gardening machinery. Guided by its visionary founders, the company’s sterling reputation is a testament to its knowledge and its ability to provide clients with insights and technical recommendations to meet their specific machinery needs.

Profile (strategy) of horticultural machinery manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

The company for sale specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of agricultural, horticultural, and landscaping equipment. It maintains a commitment to ongoing innovation, consistently developing new machinery to enhance the operational efficiency of its client base. The company offers a comprehensive range of both new and pre-owned equipment, complemented by a complete inventory of spare parts, ensuring comprehensive support for its customer base.

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Activities and products of horticultural machinery manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

The company specializes in providing a diverse array of machinery tailored for the maintenance and cultivation of green areas, particularly focusing on agricultural, horticultural, and landscape planting applications. Its extensive product portfolio encompasses a variety of rake equipment, seeding machinery, laser leveling systems, as well as custom-built machines designed to meet specific requirements.

Highlights of horticultural machinery manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

  • The company offers a variety of machinery for maintaining and cultivating green spaces.
  • It specializes in manufacturing and distributing equipment for agricultural, horticultural, and landscaping needs.
  • With a successful history spanning several decades, the company is committed to continuous innovation and the development of new machinery.

Más información Horticultural Machinery Manufacturer Western Europe for sale

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