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Entreprise à vendre

  • Lieu : Europe de l'Est
  • Revenu : > 15 millions EUR
  • EBITDA : > 4 millions d'euros
  • Reason for sale: Seeking a strategic investor to leverage growth opportunities and enhance market position
  • #CFIE PLS183


Overview of construction plastic manufacturer for sale in Eastern Europe

This manufacturer specializes in construction plastics and has a solid financial profile with revenues exceeding 15 million euros and an EBITDA of more than 4 million euros. Further, the company provides differing products for various sectors, including storage tanks and vessels, transportation and logistics items, and road construction and signaling materials. Initially established in the construction industry, the company seeks a strategic investor to capitalize on growth opportunities and further solidify its market position.

Profile and strategy of construction plastic manufacturer for sale in Eastern Europe

Notably, the company has a well-established presence in the construction industry, focusing on high-quality plastic products crucial for infrastructure and logistics. Above all, coupled with its proven track record and diverse product portfolio, the company is positioned for future expansion. Now, they seek an investor who can support further growth and leverage market opportunities to enhance their competitive edge.

Activities and products of construction plastic manufacturer for sale in Eastern Europe

Altogether, the company’s product offerings include:

  • Réservoirs et cuves de stockage pour les applications industrielles et de construction
  • Articles de transport et de logistique destinés à améliorer la manutention des marchandises
  • Road construction and signaling materials aimed at enhancing infrastructure and safety


Highlights of construction plastic manufacturer for sale in Eastern Europe

  • Chiffre d'affaires > 15 millions d'euros
  • EBITDA > 4 millions EUR
  • Strong presence in the construction plastic industry
  • Expansive product range with storage, transportation, and road construction solutions
  • Des résultats financiers solides et un potentiel de croissance important

Cette opportunité offre la possibilité d'investir dans une entreprise prospère et bien établie, avec une solide présence sur le marché et des perspectives de croissance considérables.

Plus d'informations : Construction plastic manufacturer for sale in Eastern Europe

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