Machinery forwarding firm in Benelux wanted
- Dimensione: media impresa
- Ricavi: < 20 milioni di euro
- Posizione ricercata: Benelux
• #CFIE TRB244
Overview of buyer of machinery forwarding firm in Benelux
The buyer is a European freight forwarding company focused on industrial logistics, they plan to acquire a machinery forwarding firm in Benelux. With a strong reputation for delivering specialized transportation solutions for the industrial sector, the buyer is looking to expand its capabilities in handling machinery of various sizes and weights. This strategic move demonstrates the buyer’s commitment to enhancing its service offerings and market presence in the region.
Profile(strategy) of buyer of machinery forwarding firm in Benelux
The buyer aims to strengthen its position as a leading provider of machinery forwarding services. By leveraging the target company’s expertise in transporting machinery by all modes of transport, the buyer will be able to offer a comprehensive range of solutions to its clients. This strategic alignment will not only enhance the buyer’s competitive edge but also facilitate its growth in the industrial logistics sector.
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Activities and products of machinery forwarding firm in Benelux wanted
The acquisition target in Benelux wanted to be proficient in handling machinery of various dimensions and weights. Specializing in providing efficient transportation solutions for industrial equipment, offering a wide range of services including freight forwarding, customs clearance, and project cargo management.
Highlights of buyer and machinery forwarding firm in Benelux wanted
• The buyer is a well-established European freight forwarder
• The buyer is an expert in the industrial sector
• A company wanted in the Benelux region
Ulteriori informazioni sul Machinery forwarding firm in Benelux wanted
Non esiti a contattarci per saperne di più su questa Machinery forwarding firm in Benelux wanted. Per altre aziende di spedizioni (stradali, aeree e marittime) in vendita visita alla sezione aziende di spedizioni (stradali, aeree e marittime) in vendita. Per gli altri acquirenti di spedizioni (stradali, aeree e marittime), visitate la sezione cercasi società di spedizioni (stradali, aeree e marittime). Se invece siete interessati ad aziende di trasporto in vendita, visitate il sito aziende di trasporto in vendita sezione. Per gli acquirenti di mezzi di trasporto, visitare la sezione cercasi aziende di trasporto.
Iscriviti come venditore per questo Acquirente di spedizioni (strada, aria e mare)
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