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Azienda in vendita

  • Industria: Produzione
  • Subindustry: Glass Industry Machine
  • Revenue: <10m EUR
  • Posizione: Western Europa
  • #CFIE MAS362

Overview of glass industry machine trader in Western Europe for sale

The company for sale is a global enterprise specializing in the acquisition and distribution of glass machinery on an international scale. With an extensive background spanning nearly three decades within the flat glass sector, the company provides a diverse array of services tailored to the flat glass market, with a primary focus on ensuring superior service quality, customer contentment, and comprehensive after-sales support.

Profile (strategy) of glass industry machine trader in Western Europe for sale

The company for sale specializes in providing comprehensive solutions tailored to the global flat glass industry. Over its operational tenure, it has evolved into one of the leading entities engaged in the trading and refurbishment of machinery within this sector, showcasing notable potential for further expansion. The company is dedicated to addressing clients’ requisites about the production and processing of flat glass, delivering personalized solutions aligned with their aspirations and corporate objectives. Moreover, it adeptly manages an array of global glass machinery projects, spanning regions from Belgium to Canada, the USA, Japan, Australia, South Africa, and various European nations. Its proficiency extends to facilitating the relocation of machinery or production lines on a global scale, encompassing transportation and reinstallation at the designated site. Bolstered by a robust support infrastructure, the company oversees all project facets on behalf of its clients. Additionally, it maintains a presence across numerous countries in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

With an eye toward continued business development, the company is actively seeking a strategic partner or potential buyer to contribute to its ascent to the next echelon.

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Activities and products of glass industry machine trader in Western Europe for sale

The company specializes in providing an extensive range of advanced machinery tailored for flat glass processing. In addition, they offer comprehensive services, including maintenance, repair, and spare parts provision, as well as after-sales support. Their expertise also extends to the relocation, disassembly, transportation, and installation of machinery, ensuring seamless integration into your operations.

Highlights of glass industry machine trader in Western Europe for sale

  • The company is a global enterprise specializing in the acquisition and distribution of glass machinery on an international scale.
  • The company provides services tailored to the flat glass market.
  • It has nearly three decades of experience in the industry.
  • it adeptly manages an array of global glass machinery projects.
  • it maintains a presence across numerous countries in Europe, Asia, and the United States.
  • the company is actively seeking a strategic partner or potential buyer to contribute to its ascent to the next level.

Ulteriori informazioni sull' Glass industry machine trader in Western Europe for sale

Non esiti a contattarci per saperne di più su questa Glass industry machine trader in Western Europe for sale. Per altre aziende produttrici di macchinari in vendita, visitate la sezione aziende di macchinari in vendita. Per gli altri acquirenti di macchinari, visitate la sezione Cercasi aziende produttrici di macchinari. Se invece le interessano aziende manifatturiere in vendita, visiti il sito aziende manifatturiere in vendita sezione. Per gli acquirenti di prodotti manifatturieri, visitare la sezione aziende manifatturiere cercasi.

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