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Azienda in vendita

  • Entrate: > 20 milioni di EUR
  • Posizione: Europa orientale
  • Reason for Sale: The management is open to hearing offers from interested buyers and partners
  • #CFIE PLS330


Overview of plastic industrial film manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

This company boasts over 20 years of experience in the industry, with a stable and profitable operation. Primarily, it specializes in the processing and production of plastic products for various sectors, including construction, industrial packaging, and food packaging. Specifically, the company operates from its manufacturing facility and has a broad portfolio of proprietary products. Above all, its experienced management team ensures efficient and high-quality production processes, making it a significant player in its field.


Profile (strategy) of plastic industrial film manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

Key to its success, the company operates a modern industrial platform equipped with advanced facilities for the production and processing of plastic materials. Further, it has a well-established presence in the market, benefiting from its comprehensive experience and solid financial stability. Coupled with a workforce of fewer than 80 employees, the company is managed by a dedicated team of owners and staff who oversee daily operations and strategic growth.

Altogether, the company’s production capabilities cover a wide range of plastic products, catering to diverse industries. Furthermore, the manufacturing facility is fully equipped to handle various stages of production, from initial processing to final product output. Crucially, the company is well-positioned for further growth, leveraging its extensive industry experience and robust operational setup.


Products of plastic industrial film manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

In total, the company’s core business involves the production and processing of plastic films used in multiple applications:

  • Industria delle costruzioni
  • Imballaggio industriale
  • Imballaggio alimentare

Notably, the company’s manufacturing capabilities include advanced processing techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring high-quality production standards. Moreover, its broad product portfolio and efficient production processes cater to a wide range of customer needs within the plastic industry.


Highlights of plastic industrial film manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

  • Azienda consolidata e redditizia con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel settore
  • Prestazioni finanziarie stabili e solide capacità operative
  • Ampio portafoglio di prodotti che copre diverse applicazioni in plastica
  • Moderna struttura produttiva con tecnologie di produzione avanzate
  • Team di gestione esperto in loco, pronto a sostenere una transizione senza problemi
  • The management is open to hearing offers from interested buyers and partners

    Ulteriori informazioni sull' Plastic industrial film manufacturer in Eastern Europe for sale

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    Iscriviti come acquirente interessato per questa azienda di film plastici in vendita
