Azienda in vendita
- Vendite: < 50 milioni di EUR
- EBITDA: < 10%
- Posizione: Nord Europa
• #CFIE: TRS386
Overview of international logistics company in Northern Europe for sale
The intermodal logistics company in Northern Europe for sale is a well-established player in the industry, offering a comprehensive range of services to its clients. With over 20 years of experience, the company has built a strong reputation for reliability and efficiency in managing complex logistics operations. Employing over 500 people and operating multiple warehouses and a fleet of 200 vehicles, the company has the capacity to handle a wide variety of logistics needs.
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Profile(strategy) of international logistics company in Northern Europe for sale
At the heart of the company’s strategy is a commitment to delivering fully integrated solutions that cater to the logistics requirements of its customers, creating a convenient one-stop platform for all their needs. By bringing together storage, value-added services, transportation, and freight forwarding services under one roof, the company is able to optimize its operations and offer cost-effective solutions to its clients. This comprehensive approach has not only enabled the company to cultivate long-standing partnerships with its customers but also to sustain a competitive advantage in the market.
Activities and services of international logistics company in Northern Europe for sale
The company’s activities and services cover a wide range of logistics needs, including warehousing, distribution, order fulfillment, and transportation services. With a strong focus on intermodal transportation, the company is able to offer flexible and efficient solutions for moving goods across different modes of transport, including road, rail, and sea. By providing end-to-end logistics solutions, the company ensures that its clients can focus on their core business while leaving the complexities of logistics management to the experts.
Highlights of international logistics company in Northern Europe for sale
• Well-established intermodal logistics company
• 20 years of experience in the industry
• Employs over 500 people and operates multiple warehouses and a fleet of 200 vehicles
• Specializes in international shipments transportation
• Strong focus on optimizing operations and offering cost-effective solutions
Ulteriori informazioni sul International logistics company in Northern Europe for sale
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Iscriviti come acquirente interessato per questa azienda di logistica in vendita
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