Bedrijf gevraagd
- Grootte: Klein tot middelgroot bedrijf
- Omzet: 5-30 miljoen EUR
- Locatie: Europa
- Reden voor de overname: Het management wil uitbreiden en diversifiëren van hun bedrijf
- #CFIE PLB212
Overview of this buyer for LDPE plastic recycling company in Western Europe
This buyer is a group engaged in manufacturing high-quality recycled plastics and in the recycling of plastic materials in general. The buyer operates in both the flexible and rigid plastics sectors and is interested in companies that operate in similar sectors. The buyer is ready to start an acquisition as soon as possible if a strategic company is found.
Profiel (strategie) van deze koper voor LDPE plastic recycling bedrijf in West-Europa
The buyer has been a pioneer in the recycling and usage of plastic recycled products since the emergence of plastic as a mainstream material. The buyer is one of Europe’s largest producers of high-grade recycled raw materials. The company serves the European market, ranging from small companies in the plastics processing industry to the world’s largest multinational corporations. The group’s total rLDPE capacity is expected to reach more than 100,000 tons per year in FY 2023, with a new facility, representing an investment of over 30 million euros and spanning 8,700 square meters.
The buyer is a recycling partner for local companies as well as the world’s largest multinational corporations. The buyer has 10 processing facilities in Europe, each with its own specialty. The company uses innovative technologies to process sorted post-consumer and pure post-industrial plastics.
The buyer focuses on closed-loop recycling. The core business of the buyer can be divided into two product categories: Flexible and rigid. The company has decades of experience and has gathered knowledge in the field of processing plastics for different industries. Focusing on innovation and working with state-of-the-art technologies has enabled the buyer to provide solutions for recycling issues to its clients.
Contact us to get details about this buyer for LDPE plastic recycling company in Western Europe
Activiteiten en producten van het ideale overnamedoelwit
The buyer is interested in companies with strong expertise in plastic recycling. The target company may operate in one or more segments of the buyer’s value chain:
- Grinding of plastic scraps
- Separating and sorting of reground plastic based on color and type of polymer
- Washing (low and high-temperature)
- Regranulation and compounding
- Solid-state post condensation
- Logistics, storage, research and development, and laboratory testing
In general, the management is open to considering good opportunities which may improve its growth and profitability but are also flexible to consider companies that do not strictly fit the above descriptions. The target company should have strong expertise in the plastic recycling process operating in Western Europe with sales between 5 and 30 million euros.
Highlights of this buyer for LDPE plastic recycling company in Western Europe
- Het bedrijf heeft meer dan 50 jaar geschiedenis
- Marktleider
- Wereldwijde onderneming
Meer informatie over: Koper voor LDPE plastic recycling bedrijf in West-Europa
Neem gerust contact met ons op als u meer wilt weten over: Koper voor LDPE plastic recycling bedrijf in West-Europa. Voor meer plastic recycling bedrijven te koop, bezoek plastic recycling bedrijven te koop. Voor andere plastic recycling kopers, bezoek plastic recycling bedrijven gevraagd. Als u in plaats daarvan geïnteresseerd bent in plastic bedrijven te koop, bezoek plastic bedrijven te koop . Voor kopers van plastic bedrijven, bezoek plastic bedrijven gevraagd.
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