Bedrijf te koop
- Omzet: 10 miljoen EUR
- EBITDA: < 10%
- Locatie: Duitsland
• #CFIE TRS387
Overview of logistics firm in Germany for sale
The company currently on the market is a well-established business in the logistics sector in Germany. Offering a comprehensive range of services, from handling partial and full loads to providing express shipping and tailored solutions for specific events. A key selling point of this company is its reliability in ensuring timely delivery of goods, a factor that positions them as the top choice for industrial and commercial clients. Furthermore, their presence in both domestic and international markets showcases the immense growth potential that awaits potential buyers looking to invest in this company.
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Profile(strategy) of logistics firm in Germany for sale
With a team of about 20 experienced professionals, the company has established a reputation for reliability and professionalism in the industry. Their work environment is characterized by a flat organizational structure, encouraging open communication and collaboration among team members. By maintaining full capacity utilization and strong order volumes, the company is well-positioned for continued success.
Activities and services of logistics firm in Germany for sale
The activities and services offered by the logistics firm in Germany cater to a wide range of transportation needs, particularly for industrial and commercial businesses. From partial and full loads to express and courier shipping, the company ensures that products are delivered in a timely manner to meet customer expectations. With a focus on quality service and customer satisfaction, the company has built long-standing relationships with a loyal clientele that values their expertise and reliability in handling logistics operations.
Highlights of logistics firm in Germany for sale
• Well-established logistics company in Germany
• Range of services include partial and full loads
• Team of about 20 experienced professionals
• Interesting profit margins
Meer informatie over: Logistics firm in Germany for sale
Neem gerust contact met ons op als u meer wilt weten over: Logistics firm in Germany for sale. Voor meer logistieke bedrijven te koop, bezoek logistieke bedrijven te koop. Voor andere logistieke kopers, bezoek logistieke bedrijven gevraagd. Als u in plaats daarvan geïnteresseerd bent in transportbedrijven te koop, bezoek transportbedrijven te koop .Voor transportverkopers, bezoek transportbedrijven gevraagd.
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