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Bedrijf te koop

  • Locatie: West-Europa
  • Omzet: < 5 miljoen EUR
  • Reason for sale: Seeking a strategic investor to leverage developed technology and facilitate market entry
  • #CFIE PLS319


Overzicht van deze of plastic pallet manufacturer for sale in Western Europe

This manufacturer specializes in plastic pallets. Over several years, they developed cutting-edge technology intending to transform the plastic pallet industry. Although the company has not yet recorded sales, substantial advancements in technological developments are now clear. Strategically, they decided to maintain a low profile until the technology was fully refined and market-ready. Crucially, this was to ensure the highest quality and effectiveness of the product before entering the market.

Profile and strategy of plastic pallet manufacturer for sale in Western Europe

The focus has been on advancing plastic pallet technology through significant research and development efforts. Now, the company is ready to transition from development to commercialization. Up to this point, their strategy involved keeping a low public profile until they had concrete results to showcase. As a result, there is no active website or public-facing materials available. Most importantly, the company seeks a strategic investor who can utilize the developed technology to support market entry and drive growth.

Activities and products of plastic pallet manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

Over time, the company has made significant advancements in plastic pallet technology. In particular, with an emphasis on durability, sustainability, and efficiency. Further, a pilot plant has successfully produced prototypes of these pallets, and photos of the plant and products are available for review. Additional videos of the pilot plant and produced pallets are included in a presentation, providing insight into the technological capabilities and quality of the products.

Highlights of plastic pallet manufacturer for sale in Western Europe

  • Revenue of less than 5 million euros
  • Ontwikkelde geavanceerde plastic pallettechnologie
  • Aanzienlijke investeringen in onderzoek en ontwikkeling met controleerbare resultaten
  • Geen actieve website of publieke aanwezigheid door een strategische low-profile aanpak
  • Foto's en video's beschikbaar over de proeffabriek en producten

Deze kans biedt je de kans om te investeren in een bedrijf dat klaar is om de markt te betreden met bewezen technologie.

Meer informatie over: Plastic pallet manufacturer in Western Europe for sale

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