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Company to buy

  • Size: small to mid-sized business
  • Revenue: 3-30 M EUR
  • Location of the target company: Europe.
  • Reason for acquisition: The company wants Regulatory Affairs CRO company in Europe.
  • #CFIE PHB074

Overview of Regulatory Affairs CRO company wanted

This buyer is looking for a new acquisition in Europe. The company is interested to Regulatory Affairs CRO in Europe.

Profile (strategy) of Regulatory Affairs CRO company buyer

The company is a middle size company and is an international regulatory and clinical contract research organization that was founded to help pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies design and execute successful development strategies. The group has office across North America, Europa, Israel and South Africa. The services offered by the company goes from preclinical through IND to Phase 4 postmarketing. The company’s health products include drugs, biologics, vaccines, cell therapies, medical foods, devices, and diagnostics.

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Activities and products of the target for Regulatory Affairs CRO company

The buyer company is already operating in multiple regions. Now the buyer company wants to strengthen its presence in Europe, which can be achieved by multiple acquisitions.

The buyer is following an expansion strategy, therefore they are in the process of multiple target evaluations. Feel free to contact us in case you want to know more about this buyer.

The goal of the buyer is to acquire a profitable company with Revenue in the range of 3 – 30 million euro.

Highlights of the Regulatory Affairs CRO company buyer

  • The buyer is a clinical contract research organization company with operations on multiple countries, with an ambition to strengthen its activities in Europe.
  • The buyer is following an expansion strategy and wants to move fast with the acquisition.
  • Range of services including regulatory strategy and submissions, project management, medical writing, biostatistics, data management, pharmacokinetics, pharmacovigilance, quality assurance and trial management.

More information on this buyer for regulatory affairs CRO in Europe

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about this buyer for regulatory affairs CRO in Europe. For more pharma companies for sale please visit the section pharma companies for sale. For other pharma buyers, please visit the section pharma companies wanted. If you are instead interested in pharma companies for sale, please visit the pharma companies for sale section. For pharma buyers, please visit the section pharma companies wanted.

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